Утром 16-го января Михаил Касьянов сдал в Центральную избирательную комиссию 2 миллиона 67 тысяч подписей в поддержку своего выдвижения кандидатом в президенты РФ. Фотографии (с) RFE\RL
1Russia – Trucks full of subscription lists to support Opposition leader former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov as presidential candidate near the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
2Russia – Trucks full of subscription lists to support Opposition leader former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov as presidential candidate near the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
3Russia -- Opposition leader Mikhail Kasyanov enters the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
4Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov interview near the central elections commission office in Moscow, reporters, journalists, 16Jan2008
5Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov interview near the central elections commission office in Moscow, reporters, journalists 16Jan2008
6Russia -- Opposition leader Mikhail Kasyanov enters the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
7Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov near “Kasyanov 2008” logo the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
8Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov watch unloading of the boxes with subscription lists, the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
9Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov watch unloading of the boxes with subscription lists, the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008
10Russia -- Opposition leader, presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov watch unloading of the boxes with subscription lists, the central elections commission office in Moscow, 16Jan2008