
3-Октябрь, 2024-жыл, бейшемби, Бишкек убактысы 20:14

Gulag of Chukotka, Russia

Chukotka Autonomous okrug, the most northeastern part of Russia, was the major part of Gulags, Stalin's infamous prison camps. Tens of thousands people died in 1930-50s in Chukotka and Magadan, which together were heart of the Gulag system known as Kolyma. Janyl Jusupjan recently travelled to Chaunsky disctrict of Chukotka, the region which still remains out of reach even for majority Russian citizens, due to its strategic importance next to the US border. (for editor: The Russian citizens who are not residents of Chukotka, have to apply for a permission to get to Chukotka).

Chukotka Autonomous okrug, the most northeastern part of Russia, was the major part of Gulags, Stalin's infamous prison camps. Tens of thousands people died in 1930-50s in Chukotka and Magadan, which together were heart of the Gulag system known as Kolyma. Janyl Jusupjan recently travelled to Chaunsky disctrict of Chukotka, the region which still remains out of reach even for majority Russian citizens, due to its strategic importance next to the US border. (for editor: The Russian citizens who are not residents of Chukotka, have to apply for a permission to get to Chukotka).

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Жаңыл Жусупжан

"Азаттыктын" штаттан сырткаркы журналисти. Эл аралык AIB сыйлыгынын жеңүүчүсү (2011).