
3-Октябрь, 2024-жыл, бейшемби, Бишкек убактысы 20:14

Village on the edge of the Earth, Billings in Chukotka, where an Uzbek goes to work

Long winter with polar nights, extreme cold and lack of jobs drove the majority of former inhabitants of Chukotka, the most northern-east part of Russia, to more pleasant places. Despite remotnes and utter isolation, it attracts migrants from Central Asia with high salaries and long vacations. Ibrahim from Uzbekistan is one of them, worked in a heating factory in Billings, a tiny village on the peninsular facing the Arctic sea. Janyl Jusupjan recently travelled to Billings and filed this report.

Despite remotnes and utter isolation, Chukotka attracts migrants from Central Asia with high salaries and long vacations. Ibrahim from Uzbekistan is one of them, worked in a heating factory in Billings, a tiny village on the peninsular facing the Arctic sea. Janyl Jusupjan recently travelled to Billings and filed this report.

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Жаңыл Жусупжан

"Азаттыктын" штаттан сырткаркы журналисти. Эл аралык AIB сыйлыгынын жеңүүчүсү (2011).