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President Expects New Government To Live Up To High Hopes

Armenia - President Armen Sarkissian poses for a photograph with a World War II veteran and his relatives at Yerevan's Victory Park, 9 May 2018.
Armenia - President Armen Sarkissian poses for a photograph with a World War II veteran and his relatives at Yerevan's Victory Park, 9 May 2018.

President Armen Sarkissian on Wednesday again expressed his delight at democratic change in Armenia, while urging newly appointed Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian to deliver on his pledges to democratize the country and make it more prosperous.

Sarkissian described as a “revolution” the massive anti-government protests that have swept Pashinian to power.

“We must be proud of today’s Armenia,” he said. “We have done something which no other country has managed to do in recent years and decades.”

“I think that Nikol Pashinian is a talented man,” he told reporters. “I have a very businesslike and respectful relationship with him and I will definitely make my contribution so thatthe [new] government succeeds. Otherwise this whole movement, these hopes that the people have for the future will be meaningless.”

“So I hope that things will be better tomorrow and the government will prove itself right,” Sarkissian added after leading official ceremonies in Yerevan to mark the 73rd anniversary of Soviet victory in the Second World War.

Sarkissian, who has largely ceremonial powers, has repeatedly tried to defuse the political crisis that led to the resignation of Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian on April 23. He has held a series of consultations with the latter as well Pashinian and other political leaders in the last few weeks.

The president said on Wednesday that he met with Serzh Sarkisian again “a few days ago.” He refused to give details of their conversation. He said only that he was left with the impression that the ex-premier, who governed Armenia from 2008-2018, has no plans to leave the country.

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